After Manchester's trip, Pigen's school brought them to Scarborough, a popular seaside holiday venue for local people. Of course, Piching wouldn't miss it. It only cost GBP 5.00 for extra person.
Scarborough is divided into two bays - North Bay and South Bay. Pigen and Piching only walked through the South bay and castle area. Beyond the castle area, there was a good view for both of North Bay and South Bay.
Scarborough剛好夾在南北岸中間,兩岸景致也十分不同,不過P根和P青只逛過南岸及爬上城堡區域,從山上往下瞭望,可以看到不錯的兩岸景致。[Above is an intruduction and map provided by school.]
[to be continued.]
Pigen thought, " This city is quiet beautiful, but there are few toilets and using it will be charged. I won't consider to have a holiday in such inconvenient place."
[REVIEW] 28 Jul. 2007 @ Scarborough
[REVIEW] 21 Jul. 2007 @ Manchester
Manchester was the first place Pigen and Piching together arrived at. They had no idea of Manchester and had two big luggage. The prerequisite was to settle down in Sheffield. Thus, they took train to Sheffield directly. Manchester was closed to Sheffield. It only took 60-80 minutes from Sheffield to Manchester. For Pigen and Piching, there were many chances to visit Manchester in the future.
曼徹斯特是P根與P青一起踏入英國的第一個地方,當時人生地不熟,加上拖著兩大行李,想當然爾,先搭火車到雪菲爾住處安頓下來再說,曼城近的很,要逛隨時要來都可以!After two weeks of Pigen's school life, his school arranged their first trip to Manchester. It only costed GBP 5.00 for an extra person. According to school's introduction and map, Pigen and Piching targeted the Museum of Science & Industry.
P根開學後的第二個週末,學校安排的第一個遠足便是曼城,攜伴侶者一人外加5鎊即可,非常便宜。根據學校發的介紹及地圖,除了見識見識曼城的街上建築外,P根與P青鎖定博物館為目標前進。Approaching to the museum, a gray metal building came into view. It was numbered FIVE, Air and Space Hall but Pigen and Piching didn't realised it. They thought it was the museum and not just one part of museum. When they left the Air and Space Hall, they found there were many other halls waiting for them to explore.
接近科學與工業博物館時,首先映入眼前的是棟灰色的金屬質感建築物,而這就是編號第五廳的天空與太空廳,而一開始的P根與P青以為這棟建築物就是科學與工業博物館,沒想到走出這棟建築物後,才發現這一區都是科學與工業博物館,還有好幾個館等我們去挖掘。Here is a simple introduction for five main halls,
Museum of Science & Industry 科學與工業博物館
Main Building 主建築
-Textiles Gallery 紡織館
-Manchester Science 曼城的科學
1830 Warehouse 1830年代的貨棧
-Electricity Gallery 電力館
-Warehouse for the World 帶給世界的貨棧
-Baby (A replica of the world's first stored-program computer) 世界第一台有儲存程式的電腦
Staion Building 火車站建築
-Underground Manchester 曼城的地下生活
-The making of Manchester(About Manchester's history)
-First Class Booking Hall 頭等艙訂位廳
-Gas Gallery 瓦斯館
Power Hall 發電廳
-Industrial Power 工業發電
-Locomotives 火車頭
Air & Space Hall 天空與太空廳
-Historic aircraft 歷史航空器
-Planetarium 天文館
-Road Transport 路上交通工具這個博物館不僅資源非常豐富還是免費的,讓所有人都玩得不亦樂乎、走到腿軟,曼城的小朋友可說非常幸福!!
Visiting the muesum was free for all the rich resources. Everyone does enjoy this place even with their sore legs. Children in Manchester are lucky to have this museum!!
Go to Pigen's Flicker.
[the end.]
03 July 2007 @ Train to Sheffield
Piching felt very tired because of the long time transport by airplane.
You can see her black eyes.
[to be continued.]
02 July 2007 @ Flying

They planed to live in their dreamland for a long time.
When the day was coming, Pigen and Piching couldn't believe it.
It was like a dream to departure to their dreamland.
Yes, the dreamland is their dreamland.

They shot for each other when they were waiting in CKS, Bangkok and Amsterdam airport.
In the airplane, Pigen felt uneasy because he has aerophobia.
The space of seat in the airplane was small so Pigen, Piching and Boris felt uncomfortable.
For Boris, it was not such crowded because he is not such tall as Pigen.
After the difficult time, they arrived at Manchester in the morning of 3rd July.
Finally...finally...they thought but felt very cold because the weather was cold as in winter.
[To be continued.]