If they could book a place nearby the Victoria Station, they would take the train direct to Canterbury and didn't need to spend extra time and money to take the tube. However, it's very worthy to stay in Athena Palace Hotel even it's farther.
如果住在維多利亞車站旁,就可以不用多花搭地鐵的時間及金錢直接搭火車到坎特伯里去,不過,住在遠一點的Athena Palace Hotel卻是非常值得。
London Victoria to Canterbury East(維多利亞車站到坎特伯里東站) 10:33-11:59
10:49 Bromley South
11:13 Rochester
11:17 Chatham
11:20 Gillingham(Kent)
11:25 Rainham Kent
11:32 Sittingbourne
11:46 Faversham
11:51 Selling
從倫敦維多利亞車站開往坎特伯里東站的列車,在Faversham一樣會車身分離為兩班,一班往北邊的Margate前進,一班往會經過坎特伯里的多佛(Dover)前進。列車十分長,印象中有十幾個車廂,車上不僅會有廣播,車廂裡還有電子板會隨時公告通知,車掌驗票時也會一一與旅客確認,所以不用擔心。Exiting the check-in counter, the Canterbury East Station was unexpected small. The street map in the city centre also mainly marked the Canterbury West Station. It let Pigen and Piching doubt that the East Station was old one and would be possible to be abolished in the future. Thus, when they were returning to the East Station, they were lost without any map on hand. Unfortunately, they were not lucky as usual, they walked further and further. Finally, Pigen suggested them to track back the road they had walked. Luckily, they went back to the city centre and got the right way back to the East Station.
走出驗票口,沒想到坎特伯里東站竟然十分的小,而市區裡的地圖指示(按滑鼠右鍵另存下載)也都以標誌坎特伯里西站為主,不禁讓P根與P青懷疑東站是否為舊站,而且有廢除的可能性。也因此在回車站路上,兩豬竟然迷路了, 由於P青老樣子的沒有事先準備地圖及旅遊資訊,這次很不幸地走錯路後,便越走越遠、越走越偏僻去。最後是沿著原路反方向走才再度回到市中心找到回東站的路。
Canterbury is one of hot spots in Kent in the South East of England. It also has a city wall founded in Roman times which surrounding the half of city centre. As other commercial cities, Canterbury has many places for shopping. So once they reached the shopping street, Piching went to Superdrug to buy a bottle of cough syrup to avoid others' concern.
坎特伯里也是英格蘭東南部肯特郡的熱門觀光景點之一,同樣有一段羅馬時期建的城牆(City Wall),圍繞市中心的一半,市區如其它觀光城市一樣,也少不了購物中心,所以沿路咳不停的P青一到市中心,看到Superdrug馬上進去買咳嗽糖漿,避免旁人的異樣眼光。Canterbury is the first place for Roman Catholicism in the UK. Thomas Becket's murder at Canterbury Cathedral in 1170 led to the cathedral becoming a place of pilgrimage for Christians worldwide.
The famous "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer was using pilgrims' storytelling from Southwark to Canterbury to visit Canterbury Cathedral to develop the narrative. The form of story is similar to The Decameron and One Thousand and One Nights.
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.
Finally...let's go back to Sheffield for packing.
[the End.]
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