Pigen and Piching transfered the train from Bristol to Bath Spa. When they were approching to Roman Baths, there were huge crowds of people in the square. Pigen and Piching couldn't image what it will be like in summer holidays!!!
Pigen and Piching didn't like this kind of hot spot very much. Those colourful pigs on the street attracted them much more!!! Those sculptures' idea is from King Bladud's Pigs. King Bladud is a mythical king of the Britons and also the famous King Lear's father. There are 100 decorated life-size pig sculptures displayed in Bath and surrounding villages in this summer. Pigen and Piching were lucky to meet two. You can see others in the website of King's Bladud's Pigs.
不過這樣的熱門景點並不是P根與P青喜愛的,反而是街道上的七彩豬雕像更吸引他們,這些雕像是從有名的布雷德王豬群而來(傳說中,布雷德王是沙翁筆下著名李爾王的父親,關於布雷德王的故事可參見旅行,開門部落格說明),今年夏天將有100隻彩繪豬雕像(同實際豬尺寸)呈列於巴斯及附近城鎮的街道上,P根及P青有幸遇見了兩隻,其餘的可到該網站欣賞。[→ Penzance][快接近「海角」的朋占斯]到P根相簿瀏覽更多相片。
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This is great info to know.
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