21 May 2008 →Cardiff (South Wales)

Pigen and Piching transfered the train from Bristol to Bath Spa. When they were approching to Roman Baths, there were huge crowds of people in the square. Pigen and Piching couldn't image what it will be like in summer holidays!!!

One friend didn't like Cardiff very much so Pigen and Piching didn't expect much of Cardiff. However, when they left the rail station and walked toward to River House, the cleanliness of Cardiff gave them a good impress.


The hostel locates beside the River Taff and the world famous Millennium Stadium. However, Pigen and Piching were too tired to go out for a night scenes of Cardiff after they had checked in.
旅舍就位於塔夫河及知名的千禧年體育場旁(Millennium Stadium ),不過,一天的疲累令P根與P青入駐旅舍後便無心再出門欣賞卡地夫的夜景。

The next day, they had to take a 5 hours train to Penzance so they had a quick visit of Cardiff. As usual, they didn't enter Cardiff Castle. Perhaps staying in the store of Love Spoon took more time than any other places for shooting.

可前往Little Flower看更多詳盡的介紹。

從威爾斯到南英格蘭,最好的停靠站就是卡地夫,透過Hostelbookers訂到River House Backpackers的雙人房(當然還是兩張單人床的),一人17.5鎊含早餐,衛浴設備共用,check-in時如果不是現金付款,需額外收1鎊手續費,另外文質彬彬的主人給的是位於閣樓的四人房。房間呈設很簡單卻很,兩張上下舖及兩個橫臥的鐵櫃,根據觀察,上舖離斜屋頂的橫樑過近,並不太適合睡人,所以可能因此當作兩人房出租。整間旅舍感覺很像住家,非常整潔溫馨,衛浴設備也很多間,廚房設備應有盡有,餐廳桌上還有免費蘋果供大家享用。旅舍內也有免費無線上網,旅館主人會給旅客密碼即可上網,不過可能是兩豬住的地方離基地台太遠或主人寫錯密碼,所以在房間裡並無法上網。主人同樣會提供免費的詳盡地圖及介紹。


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