Speaking of their happy ferry trip to Armadale in Skye, they didn’t know Piching forget to check the bus information to Kyleakin. Kind Pigen hurriedly comforted Piching and suggested to hike to Kyleakin because he thought it was not far. He saw the Armadale Castle on the sea when they were nearly approaching the port. Referring to the map, Pigen inferred that it wouldn’t take long to walk to the hostel in Kyleakin from Armadale. Piching was in doubt but she accepted Pigen’s idea. There were two reasons. One was she was too scared of the high taxi fee as some guidebooks mentioned and the other was they could take more pictures throughout the journey. Thus, they started their looooooooooong walk.
話說兩人開心搭乘渡輪到天空島的阿曼黛爾,萬萬沒想到P青忘記查詢公車資訊!!!此時體貼的P根趕緊安慰說:「沒關係,剛剛在海上有看見城堡,感覺離這裡 滿近的,對照地圖距離,用走的到Kyleakin的旅館,應該不遠,要不要走走看?」P青心想好像沒有那麼近,但又害怕書上所說的搭乘計程車的恐怖天價, 沿路健行拍照似乎是個好主意。於是兩人就這樣天真的上路了。It seemed to walk long. They searched for any sign or landmark for reference but there was no one in this sparsely populated island. They tried to inferred where they were by the seashore. More and more results showed that they were still far from the hostel. They would arrived there much later than they expected in the beginning. This truth let Piching’s mood down and down.
Shyness stopped them to ask for a lift. They kept walking ahead with hesitation. While they encouraged themselves to raise their hand, the approaching car suddenly turned to a path. Pigen and Piching felt that asking for a lift was inconvenient especially for tourists.
Immersing themselves in walking, Pigen joked that the residents were cold because they didn’t actively express their concern for foreigners. For my opinion, drivers might think they were happily hiking because they did look like hikers!!!

天色越來越暗,P青望著毫無人煙的四周,內心不自覺地惶恐起來,身後呼嘯而過幾輛快車,兩豬往後望並猶豫著是否該呼救,突然有輛車子快速經過後緊急停下來,搖下窗戶詢問他們是否需要幫助。感謝老天,終於出現個富有愛心的太太!!慶幸的是,她要前往的方向跟住宿的地方相去不遠,載兩豬到旅館門口的太太卻也因此錯過幾分鐘的BBC八點檔Holby City。
In the car, the lady asked that why they didn’t posture for a lift or her husband driving in front of her would helped them right way. Her husband owned a taxi company in Kyle, it called KyleTaxis. It had not only taxi service but also cars rental. Some customers returned rental cars in Armadale so they went to pick up cars and drove them back to Kyle. Except taxi and rental services, they also did the guide trip.
If you are confident to drive in right, it is strongly to recommend you to hire a car to travel around the Skye. It’s absolutely fun and saves time. You can find more information on their website and had an order, no doubt that you will feel their enthusiasm and kindness.

[→ Kyle]
同樣透過HostelBookers預定的Saucy Mary's Lodge,雙人套房,當時一人22.75鎊,剛重新裝潢完不久,分配到的是有斜天花板的房間,床飾很幽雅漂亮,浴室的入口若主人沒介紹還以為只是鑲嵌在牆裡的櫃子門,拉開木頭門,裡面是寬敞的浴室及廁所。房間內還附有有線電視、典雅的咖啡瓷杯組、煮水器及喝不完的咖啡、茶包,是滿推薦的旅館。早餐要另外計費,原本滿心期待有點不同的蘇格蘭早餐,其實與英式早餐並無不同。網路訂房時,介紹寫有網路,不過入住時,主人卻說還在努力中,因此當時還沒有。若真需要網路,訂房時,可先詢問。(似乎直接透過旅館本身網站訂房還比較便宜又免費含早餐!!!)
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.
'在這人煙稀少的島上,連地標都少的可憐', 我非常可以體會, 但是Isle of Skye 的美 讓我忘記 我也曾經在那兒迷路! ^ ^ : D ~閩先
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