If you plan to go to the North Wales, everyone must suggest you to visit Conwy. However, Pigen and Piching's main destination was the last stop, Holyhead in island of Anglesey. If they had time and energy, they would go to visit Conwy when they took the return train.
如果說要去北威爾斯,大家一定都會推薦康威,不過,P根與P青此趟行程目標是到北威爾斯線,位於安格爾西島上最末站的神聖頭(霍利黑德),如果回程有時間、體力,再到康威走走。From Sheffield to Holyhead, two transfers were needed. It would take 4 hours and 20 mins. The total journey was not short. Please notice not to take the train to Landudno if you want to go to any stop between Conwy Holyhead and vice versa.
Sheffield to Manchester Piccadilly 09:11-10:03
Manchester Piccadilly to Chester 10:16-11:22
Chester to Holyhead 11:35-13:30
11:50 Flint
12:04 Prestatyn
12:10 Rhyl
12:20 Colwyn Bay
12:27 Llandudno Junction
12:30 Conwy
12:36 Penmaenmawr
12:40 Llanfairfechan
12:48 Bangor (Gwynedd)
12:54 Llanfairpwll
13:04 Bodorgan
13:09 Ty Croes
13:12 Rhosneigr
13:17 Valley
雪菲爾到曼徹斯特皮卡第里 09:11-10:03
曼徹斯特皮卡第里到契斯特 10:16-11:22
契斯特到神聖頭(霍利黑德) 11:35-13:30
11:50 Flint
12:04 Prestatyn
12:10 Rhyl
12:20 Colwyn Bay
12:27 Llandudno Junction
12:30 Conwy 康威
12:36 Penmaenmawr
12:40 Llanfairfechan
12:48 Bangor (Gwynedd)
12:54 Llanfairpwll 「蘭韋爾普爾古因吉爾戈格裡惠爾恩德羅布爾蘭蒂西利奧戈戈戈赫」車站
13:04 Bodorgan
13:09 Ty Croes
13:12 Rhosneigr
13:17 ValleyThey were astonished at the desolation of Holyhead when they arrived at Holyhead. It looked like a place abandoned for a while. As usual, Pigen and Piching felt hungry. The first issue was to solve the need of eating. They picked up a bar restaurant and ordered a big share fried food with two beers. The hot food tasted delicious with beers. They couldn't stop eating it.
到達神聖頭(霍利黑德)時,對於眼前荒涼的景象有點錯愕,感覺好像是個已荒廢一陣子的地方,兩豬老樣子的開始飢腸轆轆起來,先解決吃的需求再說吧!隨意選家酒吧餐廳,點了一客香噴噴、熱騰騰的共享油炸物餐來吃,配上啤酒,真的一口接著一口、欲罷不能。After the well-fed meal, they went to the city centre and found there were not much people there. Some stores didn't have customers and some even closed. They kept walking and suddenly a beautiful building made of stone appeared in front of them. Aha, it was Church of St Cybi! It was originally a Roman Fort and used to defend the Island from marauding pirates in the Irish Sea. Touching those stones and looking at the texture, Piching's mood was beyond description.
飽餐一頓後,往市中心方向走去,同樣的人煙稀少,店家似乎也沒什買氣,有些甚至久未營業,走著、走著、恣意穿梭於巷弄間,前方突然出現具有漂亮肌理的石頭 建築,啊哈~原來是聖錫比教堂,原本是羅馬人的要塞,用來防禦愛爾蘭海的海盜。觸摸著這些岩塊,看著歲月的肌理,內心真有種說不出的感動。1-The outer harbour Holyhead 神聖頭(霍利黑德)外海港
2-The Captain Skinner memorial 剝皮上尉紀念碑
3-Holyhead Rail Station 神聖頭(霍利黑德)火車站
4-Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Rail Station 「蘭韋爾普爾古因吉爾戈格裡惠爾恩德羅布爾蘭蒂西利奧戈戈戈赫」車站,全英站名最長的車站,深受旅客喜愛。
5-Chester Backpackers 契斯特背包客旅社
The overcast sky brought the harbour Holyhead gloomier. Pigen and Piching didn't stay long and decided to advance the time to go to Chester for check-in.
On the return train to Chester, they passed by Conwy. Conwy Castle was on the side of Conwy Station. The walls were very impressive. Also, it was interesting to see such many tourists ascending on the castle. However, Pigen and Piching were not off the train because Pigen was in a dead sleep. The cold got in Scotland let him more tired. Hope them have a nice rest in Chester.
Go to Pigen's Flicke to see more pictures.
[A review of Chester]
[A review of Liverpool]
P.S. 今天是P根與P青結婚一週年紀念日喔~
dealership proposal letter format
2 years ago
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