If they could book a place nearby the Victoria Station, they would take the train direct to Canterbury and didn't need to spend extra time and money to take the tube. However, it's very worthy to stay in Athena Palace Hotel even it's farther.
如果住在維多利亞車站旁,就可以不用多花搭地鐵的時間及金錢直接搭火車到坎特伯里去,不過,住在遠一點的Athena Palace Hotel卻是非常值得。
London Victoria to Canterbury East(維多利亞車站到坎特伯里東站) 10:33-11:59
10:49 Bromley South
11:13 Rochester
11:17 Chatham
11:20 Gillingham(Kent)
11:25 Rainham Kent
11:32 Sittingbourne
11:46 Faversham
11:51 Selling
從倫敦維多利亞車站開往坎特伯里東站的列車,在Faversham一樣會車身分離為兩班,一班往北邊的Margate前進,一班往會經過坎特伯里的多佛(Dover)前進。列車十分長,印象中有十幾個車廂,車上不僅會有廣播,車廂裡還有電子板會隨時公告通知,車掌驗票時也會一一與旅客確認,所以不用擔心。Exiting the check-in counter, the Canterbury East Station was unexpected small. The street map in the city centre also mainly marked the Canterbury West Station. It let Pigen and Piching doubt that the East Station was old one and would be possible to be abolished in the future. Thus, when they were returning to the East Station, they were lost without any map on hand. Unfortunately, they were not lucky as usual, they walked further and further. Finally, Pigen suggested them to track back the road they had walked. Luckily, they went back to the city centre and got the right way back to the East Station.
走出驗票口,沒想到坎特伯里東站竟然十分的小,而市區裡的地圖指示(按滑鼠右鍵另存下載)也都以標誌坎特伯里西站為主,不禁讓P根與P青懷疑東站是否為舊站,而且有廢除的可能性。也因此在回車站路上,兩豬竟然迷路了, 由於P青老樣子的沒有事先準備地圖及旅遊資訊,這次很不幸地走錯路後,便越走越遠、越走越偏僻去。最後是沿著原路反方向走才再度回到市中心找到回東站的路。
Canterbury is one of hot spots in Kent in the South East of England. It also has a city wall founded in Roman times which surrounding the half of city centre. As other commercial cities, Canterbury has many places for shopping. So once they reached the shopping street, Piching went to Superdrug to buy a bottle of cough syrup to avoid others' concern.
坎特伯里也是英格蘭東南部肯特郡的熱門觀光景點之一,同樣有一段羅馬時期建的城牆(City Wall),圍繞市中心的一半,市區如其它觀光城市一樣,也少不了購物中心,所以沿路咳不停的P青一到市中心,看到Superdrug馬上進去買咳嗽糖漿,避免旁人的異樣眼光。Canterbury is the first place for Roman Catholicism in the UK. Thomas Becket's murder at Canterbury Cathedral in 1170 led to the cathedral becoming a place of pilgrimage for Christians worldwide.
The famous "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer was using pilgrims' storytelling from Southwark to Canterbury to visit Canterbury Cathedral to develop the narrative. The form of story is similar to The Decameron and One Thousand and One Nights.
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.
Finally...let's go back to Sheffield for packing.
[the End.]
24 May 2008 →Canterbury
23 May 2008 →Exeter
Originally, Piching planned to visit more places before they went to London for check-in. As previous journal mentioned, Piching's cold got worse and Pigen suggested they went to London for check-in directly and had a nice rest. However, Piching insisted to go to Exeter so they cancelled other schedules except Exeter.
原本打算沿著英格蘭西南線到倫敦的旅舍前,多在一些景點下車造訪,如前文所述,P青的感冒變的十分嚴重,P根希望直接到倫敦Check-in,然後好好休息,不過她還是堅持要去艾斯特看看,所以取消其它行程,僅到艾斯特走走看看。Penzance to Exeter St Davids 08:42-11:38
08:53 St Erth
08:57 Hayle
09:07 Camborne
09:14 Redruth
09:27 Truro
09:44 St Austell
09:52 Par
10:04 Bodmin Parkway
10:17 Liskeard
10:45 Plymouth(上面大圖是艾斯特教堂Exeter Cathedral)
When they arrived at Exeter, they found it was worthy. It was a beautiful and lovely city. Although its wall didn't keep as good as Chester's, walking along the Exeter's wall still surprised Pigen and Piching.
(上面大圖是Medieval Exe Bridge 中世紀艾斯橋)
(上面是Exeter Quayside 艾斯特碼頭,鵝比其它城市看到的都更肥美)
由於想要到英格蘭東南部走走,所以從西南部到東南部的最好停留點就是倫敦,之前去過倫敦多次,所以還是透過TravelStay.com訂房,缺點是要額外收手續費3.5鎊,但選擇性多元,有些對學生還有學生價。原本想訂之前在維多利亞車站(Victoria Station)附近的Holly and Ivy House Hotel,其實整排房子外面掛不同名,但卻已經整合為同一家。空間小巧、乾淨、舒適、方便,一棟房子的房間數也不多,廁所衛浴設備都很新穎、寬敞,進出不用經過櫃臺,使用自由度很高,雙人房38鎊又含大陸式早餐。可惜已經早早額滿,所以這次改找非Zone1的旅舍,結果找到了位於Zone3的Turnpike Lane的兩顆星Athena Palace Hotel,雙人套房(兩張單人床)39.40鎊含早餐,加上手續費3.5鎊共42.90鎊。入住後發現,旅館十分大,如果重新裝潢、整理,多幾顆星是跑不掉的。房間十分大,裡面擺有一張不小的單人床及大雙人床,還有衣櫃、電視、冰箱、流理台、浴室廁所(根本就是一個小家庭套房了),在倫敦地區,很難有這樣大又便宜的空間吧!
[→ Canterbury]
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.
22 May 2008 →Penzance
(上面海中的小島是St Michael's Mount,退潮時,可從距離朋占斯東邊三英里的Marazion走過去;或漲潮時,可在Marazion搭船前往St Michael's Mount,成人1.5鎊/小孩1.0鎊。)
Piching only remembered R's Hong Kong boyfriend, A said that the remotest corners of the UK must be visited. Thus, Piching planned to reach there by train with Pigen. It's too difficult to reach the remotest corners of the UK on foot. However, it happened on Marilyn and Philip Slater. They spent 12 months to plan it and used 88 days walking from Land's End to John o'Groats!!! It's very impressive!!! By train, it's impossible to reach the remotest corners of the UK. For the UK, the remotest corners of the UK are Land's End and Isle of Skye. For the former one, the train only can drive you to Penzance in the end of South West England Lines. The direct distance between Penzance and Land's End is more than 13km. For Isle of Skye, the train will reach to Mallaig and transfer to a ferry to Isle of Skye. It's weird for the general, the concept of the remotest corners of a place should be the furthest spot people can reach like Shetland Islands in the North and Isles of Scilly in the South.
P青只記得多年前,樓友R的香港男友A說英國的天涯海角一定要去的,所以P青打算這次英國旅遊一定要與P根坐火車遊遍天涯 海角(「走」遍天涯海角太困難,不過倒是有人花了一年計畫,然後用88天從地角(Land's End)走到John o’Groats 喔!詳見瑪莉琳及菲力普‧史雷特的網站), 不過坐火車卻無法實際到達天涯海角,僅能坐到英格蘭西南角終點站的朋占斯,距離地角(蘭茲角)的直線距離至少還有13公里左右;而天涯指的就是天空島(斯開島),坐火車到梅雷格後,還需搭渡輪過海才能到達天涯。如果就一般對於天涯海角的概念,應該會覺得是最遠能抵達的地方,像英國的最北應該是社德蘭群島(Shetland Islands),最南應該是錫利群島(Isles of Scilly)。
Bristol Temple Meads to Plymouth 13:44-15:48
14:17 Taunton
14:29 Tiverton Parkway
14:45 Exeter St Davids
15:04 Newton Abbot
15:17 Totnes
Plymouth to Penzance 15:55-18:07
15:58 Devonport Devon
16:00 Devonport Dockyard
16:02 Keyham
16:04 St Budeaux Ferry Road
16:09 Saltash
16:16 St Germans
16:24 Menheniot
16:30 Liskeard
16:42 Bodmin Parkway
16:47 Lostwithiel
16:54 Par
17:04 St Austell
17:23 Truro
17:36 Redruth
17:42 Camborne
17:49 Hayle
17:53 St Erth
It was the last two days of the UK trip when they travelled to the south west England. Weariness and discomfort of travel let them give up visiting the Land's End's idea. It was not convenient to have a shower in their hostel. The hostel also couldn't provide or rent a hair dryer for tourists. It caused Piching's cold more serious and her endless cough started again.
經過這次的旅遊經驗知道大獲好評的康沃爾(Cornwall)原來是英國西南角的一個郡,而非一個城市,難怪在火車路線圖上找了半天,卻遍尋不著康沃爾。同樣透過Hostelbookers搜尋Cornwall,不過並沒找到在火車站附近的旅舍,只好依照火車路線上會停駛的站名一一搜尋,結果只在朋占斯找到這家YMCA Cornwall Hostel,雙人房兩人共76.44美金(還是一樣的是兩張單人床)。
[Skip Plymouth, Go to Exeter directly. ]
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.
22 May 2008 →Bath Spa
Pigen and Piching transfered the train from Bristol to Bath Spa. When they were approching to Roman Baths, there were huge crowds of people in the square. Pigen and Piching couldn't image what it will be like in summer holidays!!!

[→ Penzance]
21 May 2008 →Cardiff (South Wales)
Pigen and Piching transfered the train from Bristol to Bath Spa. When they were approching to Roman Baths, there were huge crowds of people in the square. Pigen and Piching couldn't image what it will be like in summer holidays!!!
One friend didn't like Cardiff very much so Pigen and Piching didn't expect much of Cardiff. However, when they left the rail station and walked toward to River House, the cleanliness of Cardiff gave them a good impress.
The hostel locates beside the River Taff and the world famous Millennium Stadium. However, Pigen and Piching were too tired to go out for a night scenes of Cardiff after they had checked in.
旅舍就位於塔夫河及知名的千禧年體育場旁(Millennium Stadium ),不過,一天的疲累令P根與P青入駐旅舍後便無心再出門欣賞卡地夫的夜景。
The next day, they had to take a 5 hours train to Penzance so they had a quick visit of Cardiff. As usual, they didn't enter Cardiff Castle. Perhaps staying in the store of Love Spoon took more time than any other places for shooting.
可前往Little Flower看更多詳盡的介紹。
從威爾斯到南英格蘭,最好的停靠站就是卡地夫,透過Hostelbookers訂到River House Backpackers的雙人房(當然還是兩張單人床的),一人17.5鎊含早餐,衛浴設備共用,check-in時如果不是現金付款,需額外收1鎊手續費,另外文質彬彬的主人給的是位於閣樓的四人房。房間呈設很簡單卻很,兩張上下舖及兩個橫臥的鐵櫃,根據觀察,上舖離斜屋頂的橫樑過近,並不太適合睡人,所以可能因此當作兩人房出租。整間旅舍感覺很像住家,非常整潔溫馨,衛浴設備也很多間,廚房設備應有盡有,餐廳桌上還有免費蘋果供大家享用。旅舍內也有免費無線上網,旅館主人會給旅客密碼即可上網,不過可能是兩豬住的地方離基地台太遠或主人寫錯密碼,所以在房間裡並無法上網。主人同樣會提供免費的詳盡地圖及介紹。
21 May 2008 →Swansea (South Wales)
The reason why Pigen and Piching visited Swansea was because the Fishguard, the last stop in South Wales Lines is too far with only two runs a day. There are two choices to arrive at Swansea by train. One is running through Hereford and Cardiff to Swansea. It will take 3 hours. The other is crossing through the heart of Wales. It will take 4 hours.(There are four runs from Monday to Saturday and merely two runs on Sunday.) Of course, Piching wanted to have a easy way to explore Wales so she chose the later one even it took longer.
選擇到天鵝海(斯溫西), 主要是南威爾斯火車線的最末站魚哨(Fishguard)太遠,一天僅兩班次。到天鵝海有兩條路 線,一是從蘇斯伯利搭乘往赫里福郡方向、經過卡地夫到天鵝海,車程約三小時;一是搭乘班次很少、橫越威爾斯心臟地帶的路線(除星期日兩班以外,其餘一天四 班),車程約四小時。想當然爾,P青想要輕鬆見識一下威爾斯的地理景觀,所以選擇了車程較久的威爾斯心臟路線。
Shrewsbury to Swansea(蘇斯伯利到天鵝海) 14:05-18:06
14:36 Craven Arms
14:41 Broome
14:45 Hopton Heath
14:49 Bucknell
14:58 Knighton
15:03 Knucklas
15:11 Llangynllo
15:15 Llanbister Road
15:21 Dolau
15:25 Pen-y-Bont
15:38 Llandrindod
15:47 Builth Road
15:50 Cilmeri
15:55 Garth (Powys)
15:59 Llangammarch
16:07 Llanwrtyd
16:13 Sugar Loaf Halt
16:20 Cynghordy
16:32 Llandovery
16:37 Llanwrda
16:41 Llangadog
16:52 Llandeilo
16:55 Ffairfach
17:02 Llandybie
17:06 Ammanford
17:09 Pantyffynnon
17:15 Pontarddulais
17:19 Llangennech
17:22 Bynea
17:36 Llanelli
17:44 Gowerton

Once they arrived in Swansea, they didn't want to stay there longer because it's a centre of heavy industry and doesn't have a sea full of swan. The famous poet Dylan Thomas was born here. Many years ago, Piching had ever watched a performance in memory of Dylan Thomas in Warwick Arts Centre. She couldn't understand performers' each word but she might have a strong version by performers' body language and rhyme in their words. (Perhaps you can look into Dylan Thomas' world and the fascination of Wales in The Edge of Love.)
天鵝海也是個不會讓人久留的城市,畢竟它是重工業中心,而不是充斥天鵝的海邊城市。狄蘭·托馬斯出生於此,多年前,P青曾經在華威藝文中心看過紀念狄蘭·托馬斯的演出,或許無法聽懂表演者的每一個字句,但透過肢體動作及語言音韻卻帶給觀者強力的想像。(或許在最近上映的The Edge of Love可以一窺狄蘭·托馬斯及威爾斯的魅力。)
體驗不同的天鵝海,到Little Flower的部落格看看!!
21 May 2008 →Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury is closed to Chester. It only take less than 1 hour by train. It locates in the West Midlands region of England and near the Welsh border. Its architecture style is similar to Chester's. However, it is not such commercial so Pigen and Piching like the town very much. Otherwise, Piching paid 50P to buy a second hand wood shoe for wall decoration made in Jersey. Whatever the value of the wood decoration, Piching likes it is the most important thing.
Go to Pigen's Flicker to see more pictures.
20 May 2008 →Holyhead (North Wales)
If you plan to go to the North Wales, everyone must suggest you to visit Conwy. However, Pigen and Piching's main destination was the last stop, Holyhead in island of Anglesey. If they had time and energy, they would go to visit Conwy when they took the return train.
如果說要去北威爾斯,大家一定都會推薦康威,不過,P根與P青此趟行程目標是到北威爾斯線,位於安格爾西島上最末站的神聖頭(霍利黑德),如果回程有時間、體力,再到康威走走。From Sheffield to Holyhead, two transfers were needed. It would take 4 hours and 20 mins. The total journey was not short. Please notice not to take the train to Landudno if you want to go to any stop between Conwy Holyhead and vice versa.
Sheffield to Manchester Piccadilly 09:11-10:03
Manchester Piccadilly to Chester 10:16-11:22
Chester to Holyhead 11:35-13:30
11:50 Flint
12:04 Prestatyn
12:10 Rhyl
12:20 Colwyn Bay
12:27 Llandudno Junction
12:30 Conwy
12:36 Penmaenmawr
12:40 Llanfairfechan
12:48 Bangor (Gwynedd)
12:54 Llanfairpwll
13:04 Bodorgan
13:09 Ty Croes
13:12 Rhosneigr
13:17 Valley
雪菲爾到曼徹斯特皮卡第里 09:11-10:03
曼徹斯特皮卡第里到契斯特 10:16-11:22
契斯特到神聖頭(霍利黑德) 11:35-13:30
11:50 Flint
12:04 Prestatyn
12:10 Rhyl
12:20 Colwyn Bay
12:27 Llandudno Junction
12:30 Conwy 康威
12:36 Penmaenmawr
12:40 Llanfairfechan
12:48 Bangor (Gwynedd)
12:54 Llanfairpwll 「蘭韋爾普爾古因吉爾戈格裡惠爾恩德羅布爾蘭蒂西利奧戈戈戈赫」車站
13:04 Bodorgan
13:09 Ty Croes
13:12 Rhosneigr
13:17 ValleyThey were astonished at the desolation of Holyhead when they arrived at Holyhead. It looked like a place abandoned for a while. As usual, Pigen and Piching felt hungry. The first issue was to solve the need of eating. They picked up a bar restaurant and ordered a big share fried food with two beers. The hot food tasted delicious with beers. They couldn't stop eating it.
到達神聖頭(霍利黑德)時,對於眼前荒涼的景象有點錯愕,感覺好像是個已荒廢一陣子的地方,兩豬老樣子的開始飢腸轆轆起來,先解決吃的需求再說吧!隨意選家酒吧餐廳,點了一客香噴噴、熱騰騰的共享油炸物餐來吃,配上啤酒,真的一口接著一口、欲罷不能。After the well-fed meal, they went to the city centre and found there were not much people there. Some stores didn't have customers and some even closed. They kept walking and suddenly a beautiful building made of stone appeared in front of them. Aha, it was Church of St Cybi! It was originally a Roman Fort and used to defend the Island from marauding pirates in the Irish Sea. Touching those stones and looking at the texture, Piching's mood was beyond description.
飽餐一頓後,往市中心方向走去,同樣的人煙稀少,店家似乎也沒什買氣,有些甚至久未營業,走著、走著、恣意穿梭於巷弄間,前方突然出現具有漂亮肌理的石頭 建築,啊哈~原來是聖錫比教堂,原本是羅馬人的要塞,用來防禦愛爾蘭海的海盜。觸摸著這些岩塊,看著歲月的肌理,內心真有種說不出的感動。1-The outer harbour Holyhead 神聖頭(霍利黑德)外海港
2-The Captain Skinner memorial 剝皮上尉紀念碑
3-Holyhead Rail Station 神聖頭(霍利黑德)火車站
4-Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Rail Station 「蘭韋爾普爾古因吉爾戈格裡惠爾恩德羅布爾蘭蒂西利奧戈戈戈赫」車站,全英站名最長的車站,深受旅客喜愛。
5-Chester Backpackers 契斯特背包客旅社
The overcast sky brought the harbour Holyhead gloomier. Pigen and Piching didn't stay long and decided to advance the time to go to Chester for check-in.
On the return train to Chester, they passed by Conwy. Conwy Castle was on the side of Conwy Station. The walls were very impressive. Also, it was interesting to see such many tourists ascending on the castle. However, Pigen and Piching were not off the train because Pigen was in a dead sleep. The cold got in Scotland let him more tired. Hope them have a nice rest in Chester.
Go to Pigen's Flicke to see more pictures.
[A review of Chester]
[A review of Liverpool]
P.S. 今天是P根與P青結婚一週年紀念日喔~
18 May 2008 →Aberdeen (Lowlands)
Finally, it was the last day in Scotland. On the way back to Sheffield, Pigen and Piching had a short stop in Aberdeen. Their friend, Tiffany who studied in Aberdeen said that Aberdeen was a small place so they often went to Edinburgh. However, the truth is Aberdeen was not small and it was the third largest city in Scotland.
終於到了蘇格蘭行的最後一天,趁著回雪菲爾行程上,在蘇格蘭東岸的亞伯丁短暫停留,之前聽在這裡唸書的蒂凡妮說亞伯丁是個很小的地方,所以他們常跑去愛丁堡。但事實上亞伯丁一點都不小,少說也是蘇格蘭第三大城。When pigen and Piching left the rail station, they was attracted to Aberdeen's architecture. The cloudy sky brought to Aberdeen another still beauty of grey.
Originally, Piching planned to visit Dundee where was mentioned by broadcast very often after they left Aberdeen. Nevertheless both of them felt tired and wanted to home as soon as possible so they gave up the chance to visit Dundee.
[After one day break, let's go to the North Wales. ]
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.
17 May 2008 →Wick (North Highland)
When Pigen and Piching Waited for the train to Wick, there's nobody but a stationmaster in the rail station. Time passed by, the stationmaster suddenly came to announce that there's no train on that day. The reason was caused by an accident. The train departed from Inverness and hit a car. Luckily, there's no one hurt and die. (However, the truth was the car driver suffered a broken wrist and suspected broken leg, but was conscious as he was removed from the vehicle.) This news quite surprised Piching. She had no idea how to deal with this situation. Would they return to Inverness? Many questions appeared in her mind.
Before she thought too much, the station master told her they had arranged taxis to drive them to Wick. All passengers didn't need to pay extra money if they had train tickets. Soon after, a couple came to join the short trip to Wick. The lady was expansive so she sat next to the driver. Thus, there was no awkward conversation happened in the taxi.
Even the taxi departed much later than the scheduled time but it arrived at Wick on time.
Thurso to Wick 14:27-14:57 via taxi
樂索到威克 14:27-14:57 計程車接送They only had less than one hour to stay in Wick because they had to catch up the train on 3:52pm. Thus, they walked along the River Wick to the Wick Bay and were disappointed about the view comparing with Thurso's. Wick was divided by the River Wick. Its population is less than Thurso's. There's Wick Airport in the north providing transport for the rather isolated Caithness community. Wick has world's shortest street, Ebenezer Place recorded in Guinness Book of Records. It only two meters long.
因為等回兒要趕搭三點五十二分的火車,所以P根與P青只能在這裡逗留不到一個小時。威克被威克河分成兩邊,人口比樂索少一點點,其北邊有威克機場,提供通往開斯納斯郡更偏遠孤立的區域。由於時間倉促,所以P根與P青趕緊先沿著威克河走到港口,不過景色與樂索相比,的確失色,這裡還有創下金氏記錄-世界最短的街道Ebenezer Place,只有兩米長。(蘇格蘭山脈上有許多黃色的植物,有時候可看見一大片,有時候卻是一叢一叢分散著,聽司機說才知道,原來是之前曾經發生過火燒山,全部都燒光光了,好不容易過了好幾年,才長成現在這樣子,不然以前滿山遍黃,非常漂亮。)
North Highland Lines still stopped because of investigation, the train station arranged a mini-bus to pick up passengers along the lines. The mini-bus took less time than the train's scheduled time so passengers could walked around to see the different view from the train lines' if they arrived at the stop early. After Pigen and Piching arrived at the final destination, Inverness, the driver had to drive back to Wick alone. Luckily, direct driving without stop only took him two hours from Inverness to Wick. It was very soon!!!
Wick to Inverness 15:52-20:05 via mini-bus
威克到茵凡尼斯 15:52-20:05 迷你巴士接送 (事實上比預定時間更早到!)
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.
17 May 2008 →Thurso (North Highland)
Piching was excited to reach to the northernmost town on the British mainland, Thurso. It took almost 4 hours from Inverness. Piching expected to see something different. Similar to West Highland lines, there is only two runs of train in North Highland line on Sunday and are three runs in the other days. There was not much passenger on that day so Pigen and Piching could sit anywhere they like. Along the rail line, the landscape changed from the lake, the green land, the ocean to wizened highland. Piching's mind returned to three years ago when she went to Las Vegas and the Grand canyon with her parents.
終於要踏上本島鐵路能到達的最北邊的樂索小鎮(通常John o' Groats普遍被認為是最北邊的村莊,所以才有Land's End to John o' Groats的諺語,意指旅行橫跨英國最北及最南,然而最北既非John o' Groats,最南也不是Land's End,反而是Duncansby Head比John o' Groats更北,而Land's End確實是位於最西南端,卻不是最西邊或最南邊),從茵凡尼斯出發,搭乘火車約四小時。滿心期待會看到點不一樣的景致。班次同西高地路線一樣不多,非週日三班、週日兩班,這天搭乘的旅客並不多,所以位置隨P根與P青坐。沿線風景從湖泊、綠地、海洋變化到乾枯的高地,P青此刻心情彷彿回到05年與爸媽去拉斯維加斯及大峽谷的心情。
Inverness to Thurso 07:14-11:05
07:28 Beauly
07:34 Muir of Ord
07:45 Dingwall
07:57 Alness
08:02 Invergordon
08:13 Fearn
08:19 Tain
08:35 Ardgay
08:41 Culrain
08:42 Invershin
08:53 Lairg
09:07 Rogart
09:18 Golspie
09:22 Dunrobin Castle
09:29 Brora
09:48 Helmsdale
10:01 Kildonan
10:10 Kinbrace
10:23 Forsinard
10:33 Altnabreac
10:42 Scotscalder
10:53 Georgemas Junction(沿路兩豬的糧食就是前一天在CO-OP買到的折扣麵包,每樣通通10便士,便宜程度是其它地方所不及的,於是P根挑了一袋香腸麵包捲,P青拿了塊比臉還大的雜糧麵包,總計台幣不到15元。)
It was a long journey so sometimes they took pictures. They didn't sleep well last night so they took turns to take a nap. Some interesting stops caught Piching's eye and she would try her best to shot for record. When the train stopped at Georgemass Junction, most of passengers were off the train to breathe the fresh air and got on the train as it was going to depart.
因為車程很久,前晚也沒睡好,所以除了偶爾拍拍照打發時間外,兩豬輪流補眠以備到達後有充足的體力逛。沿線有些有趣的車站,讓疲倦的P青眼睛為之一亮。大部分旅客到Georgemass Junction都會下車活動筋骨,發車時再上來。Speaking of walking through a bridge beyond the River Thurso in a park, a passing old Scottish pointed to Tesco's carrier bag in the riverside and told to Pigen and Piching that it's the way Scottish deal with the refuse. Piching had nothing to say in reply but laughed. It was common in the United Kingdom especially Tesco's bag littered about even in this small town. That means Tesco is everywhere!!!
話說經過公園穿越樂索河上的某座小橋時,一個經過的蘇格蘭老先生指著河流邊的特易購塑膠袋對兩豬說,這就是蘇格蘭人處理垃圾的方法。P青無言以對,只能笑笑,終究這樣的情況在英國是屢見不鮮了,特別是特易購的塑膠袋到處都有,連這小鎮都有,可見其超市普及的程度。Walking from the rail station, Pigen and Piching turned right to the Lovers Lane and found the River Thurso which flows into Thurso Bay and the Pentland Firth. From the bay or beach, you could see Hoy of the Orkney islands and the famous towering Old Man of Hoy. All kinds of ferry information could be found in the station's bulletin board. Walking to the east north direction, you could see Thurso Castle nearby the sea. On the contrary, walking to west north direction, you could find different sea shore from the east north's.
從車站走出來,往右手邊的情人巷直走,便會看到樂索河,通往樂索灣與彭特蘭灣(有人說彭特蘭灣比較接近海峽性質),從港口或海邊可以看見奧克尼群島的Hoy及高聳有名的Old Man of Hoy。從彭特蘭灣西邊的Scrabster可搭MV Hamnavoe渡輪到奧克尼群島的Stomness,可在樂索車站佈告欄看各種渡輪旅遊資訊。在東北方向的海邊,可看見樂索城堡;而往西北邊Scrabster方向走,可看見與東北方不太一樣的海岸景觀。"Happily" is the only feeling for them to come to Thurso with a population of more than 8000 only. Walking on the street, you would find it's difficult for residents not to meet an acquaintance.
對於樂索的感覺是「幸好有來」,雖然只是一個人口八千多人的小鎮,走在街上,居民們很難不遇見熟識的人而打招呼、閒聊著。Since they are in Thurso, why not go to the last stop, Wick and take train returning to Inverness.
[→ Wick but what happened?]
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.
16 May 2008 →Inverness(North Highland)
It became cloudy once they arrived in Inverness. After their check-in, they were eager to find food and found a bar nearby the castle. It looked like it can serve delicious meals for them. However, all seats are occupied and it was too popular to order a meal. They gave up and walked toward to McDonald's.
這天到達茵凡尼斯,天氣開始變的陰陰的,兩豬入駐旅社後,便飢腸轆轆的到外面搜尋食物,在城堡邊找了一家看起來似乎很美味的酒吧餐廳打算犒賞自己一番,沒想到一進門,卻座無虛席,連點菜的機會都沒有,只好作罷,轉往麥當勞前進。左上圖1-2 為茵凡尼斯火車站 Inverness Rail Station
左中圖3 為茵凡尼斯堡,為於尼斯河旁的峭壁上 Inverness Castle, sitting on a cliff overlooking the River Ness
左下圖4 為從茵凡尼斯堡的山丘上往下看的街景 View from Inverness Castle
左下圖5 只是個指示牌
上圖 為從茵凡尼斯堡的山丘上往下尼斯河方向看的景色 View from Inverness Castle
下右圖 與威廉堡相接的大峽谷路線終點或起點解說牌(Great Glen Ways where it all ends or begins)
下中圖 醫務人行橋Infirmary Footbridge
下左圖 醫務人行橋Infirmary Footbridge,連結尼斯島 bridging to the Ness Islands
同樣透過HostelBooker網站訂到Highlander Hostel,由於都是共用房間,自以為精打細算的P青便選了最便宜卻也床位最多的16人房,一晚一人9鎊,如果是一群朋友一起住,會是不錯的選擇。地點位於市中心的商店街內,所以到了半夜,外面還是很吵鬧;而房間內因為每個人進出時間不同,進出不僅要輸入密碼(安全考量),房間門還是個厚重的木頭門,所以越早睡的人被吵醒的頻率越高,而進出的人分成兩種,一種是小心翼翼替別人著想型的,一種是大剌剌吵吵鬧鬧的類型,也因為這樣子,敏感不易睡的P根就這樣度過了恍恍惚惚的兩晚。旅舍內有廚房及免費飲品供應,很大的客廳裡有視聽及娛樂設備,如果有自己帶電腦,也可以在客廳裡免費上網,管理的人每晚都會很熱心地在客廳裡依眾人喜好播放DVD。至於共用的衛浴設備,空間都滿大的,不過一個樓層僅三間,卻要供應給好幾間房使用,大部分的旅客都很晚才回來,所以越早洗越好。
[→ Thurso]
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.
16 May 2008 →Kyle of Lochalsh (North Highland)
In the very early morning, Pigen and Piching enjoyed their rich Scottish breakfast. After they finished it, they walked around and decided to walk on the Skye Bridge to Kyle because the cosy hostel made them feel good.
一大早起床享用完豐盛早餐後,兩豬便到附近逛逛,舒適的旅館讓兩人的疲憊恢復的差不多,於是決定走過天空橋到對岸的開耳去。1-Saucy Mary's Lodge外觀
2-Saucy Mary's Lodge餐廳內部
3-Kyleakin harbour沿著旅館外的道路走不遠,便可遠遠看見Castle Moil(Caisteal Maol)。
4-Bench facing the Loch Alsh 可坐在長凳或綠地上欣賞眼前美景
5-View from the Skye Bridge 走在天空橋上看見的奇怪路
6-View from the Skye Bridge 從天空橋往Kyleakin方向看的風景
7-View from the Skye Bridge 從天空橋往另一方向看的風景
8-Welcome sign to Kyle of Lochalsh 歡迎蒞臨開耳的公路指示牌
9-Kyle of Lochalsh Rail Station 莫名其妙就走到火車站了
10-Kyle of Lochalsh Rail Station 開耳火車站Pigen and Piching bought a big bread and had a rest in the train station. They were waiting for the ScotRail to the North Highland. It would take 2.5 hours to Inverness.
Kyle of Lochalsh to Inverness 11:59-14:29
12:09 Duirinish
12:13 Plockton
12:16 Duncraig
12:25 Stromeferry
12:36 Attadale
12:42 Strathcarron
12:50 Achnashellach
13:09 Achnasheen
13:19 Achanalt
13:25 Lochluichart
13:36 Garve
13:58 Dingwall
14:07 Muir of Ord
14:13 Beauly不知是否非旅遊旺季,搭乘這班火車的旅客並不多,與西高地路線上滿滿的乘客相比,形成很大的對比。
(Click above link for download)
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.