B@@ky Select-Eddie Dickens

[click the above image to link to Philip Ardagh]

The Eddie Dickens Trilogy
The Further Adventures of Eddie Dickens

[Aug. 2007]

28 August. 2007 @ Parcel

It's an ooooooooooooold story.
Before Pigen and Piching departured to the airport in Taiwan on 2rd July,
they posted a big parcel by sea from the post office.

During the first 7 weeks after they arrived in England,
Pigen asked Piching when the parcel will be arrived everyday.
He couldn't wait for the parcel because he put his books and winter clothes insides.
Wait...and wait....day by day...

One early morning, a big knock! knock! knock! noise sounded from the back door.
Pigen and Piching felt very excited when they saw the parcel arrived finally.
They moved it into the room and opened it directly.
After everything was be took out, Piching felt disappointed
because she couldn't find any Taiwanese snack insides.

Piching did regret that she didn't put that kind of snacks into the parcel.

Till now, Piching still dreams of a big surprise parcel from her kith and kin.

[REVIEW] 25 Aug. 2007 @ Matlock Bath

同一天學校在貝克威爾之後,安排了另一個景點Matlock Bath,是個以溫泉而聞名的小村莊,很有趣的是這個小村莊並沒有靠近海邊,但為數眾多的Fish & Chip店卻讓人容易誤會這是一個海邊城鎮。


流經過Matlock Bath的河流是River Derwent,沿著河流邊走就是Lovers Walks,果然處處可見情人們的身影,沐浴在幸福的陽光下,感受愛情滋潤。

Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.

[REVIEW] 25 Aug. 2007 @ Bakewell

來到雪菲爾,絕對不能錯過到高峰區(Peak District)走走,而貝克威爾(Bakewell)就是此區首推並且唯一在國家公園裡的城鎮。而說到甜點,大家一定會強力推薦Bakewell Pudding,可惜兩豬對耳聞甜到膩的布丁一點興趣都沒有,所以連嘗試都沒試就跳過它了,所以無法跟各位看倌分享心得。

(上面大圖為River Wye)

(上面大圖為All Saints Church)


Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.

20 Aug. 2007 @ Dried Beef

no. 280 has four residents. Zac is one of Pigen and Piching's housemates.
One day, his lovely girl friend, Rita Made the dired beef.
It's obviously delicious refering to the above picture.
The original amount should be more
but Pigen tasted SOME right away when he got the plate.

He even couldn't wait to eat the remaining.
Thus, the abundant dried beef on the plate couldn't be shot in time.

When the poor Piching finshed one and a half dried beef,
she turned her head and found the plate was empty.


Pigen ate ALL the remaining dried beef.
Piching just couldn't believe it and stunned.

[the end.]
until charming Rita's next dish

Snob, the cat

Snob, the cat is just like its name.
Pigen and Piching don't know its real name.

Every 6 o'clock in the afternoon,
it will appear outside the backdoor and wait for its dinner.

If Piching or Pigen doesn't notice it in the kitchen,
it will jump on the black bin and knock the window.

When the backdoor is opened,
Snob will jump down and show a pitiable face with pathetic meow.
Piching will give it a small cup of milk first.
When it finishes the first, it will look at you pitibly.
Piching will give it the second cup.
When it finishes it, it shows "I need one more..."
However, Piching give it the third cup of milk,
it refuses to drink it but just wait...
till you give it another food like ham...etc.
This situation repeats and repeats till Piching can't supply it any fresh food,
It just makes a turn and runs away without thanks and leave some waste food.

That's the reason why it's called "Snob."

[the end.]
or a cat is always like that?

No. 280, the house

No. 280, a house where Pigen and Piching live.
It stands on a hill. The hill stands on another hills.
Of course, we can't see the hills from the above picture
becuase they are hidden behind the black frame.
We just can see Pigen and Piching stand on the stack.

I have no idea why they both climb through the stack on the roof.
Can you give me a idea about it?
Also, do you see what they are looking at?

[the end.]
until your response

Pigen, the Painstaker

Obviously, Pigen is studying hard.
Nevertheless, Piching is sleeping everywhere anytime.

[the end.]

[REVIEW] 11 Aug. 2007 @ York

York's roundabout was still fresh in Piching's memory. In the first visit to York, friends R and E even more went to ride it. Many years later, Piching visited it again but the first impress of York was totally different. Even the roundabout still existed.

(上面大圖是聖瑪莉修道院 St. Mary's Abbey)

(上面大圖是約克大教堂 York Minster)



Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.

[REVIEW] 05 Aug. 2007 @ Ladybower

Zac took Pigen and Piching to join this activity by the Devonshire Green walking club. There were children and dogs walking together so the leader chose a simple but popular route, Ladybower for beginners in Peak District.

During this journey, they knew some international students and local people especailly an old couple Sheila and Bill who take care non-natives a lot and a Chinese couple Alice and Kevin with their small daughter, Jasmine.

It was an enjoyment walking in Derbyshire Peak District because of the dry climate. Even walking under the sunshine, they never felt wet through with perspiration. However, honestly Taiwan's scenery wouldn't lose at all.

Go to Pigen's Flicker

[the end.]




