For saving, Piching booked GBP 1.00 and GBP 5.00 Megabus tickets for the journey from London Victoria station to Meadowhall Sheffield in advance. However, it was a really stupid decision.
They left London Heathrow Airport with two big luggage to London Victoria station by underground. Waiting and waiting, they got on Megabus in Victoria station. This was their first time to take Megabus and they found the seat space was very small. It was a quiet long and tired journey but comparing to the following matter, it's nothing.
Once they arrived in Meadowhall, Piching found one direct bus to Crookes area. and persuaded Pigen to take a bus. However, when they got on the bus with two big luggage, the driver suggested them to take tram because it would take more than 2 hours to Crookes. Thus, Piching and Pigen moved those two big luggage out of the bus and walked to the platform to take the tram.
Once they were off the tram in Sheffield University stop, the sky became cloudy. Pigen was tired because of his heavy backpack and Piching was hungry because she is a pig. Therefore, they went to the nearby Ireland Bar for lunch. Just in time, it was raining and became heavier and heavier. Afer they enjoyed their sandwiches and drinks, while the rain turned to stop, they decided to walk back to School Road's house. One reason was it's not far and would just take them 20 mins. Another reason is for saving because they just spent much money on lunch.
When they finally arrived at their house, Piching couldn't show how delighted she is. She just thought she couldn't walk anymore. She felt exhausted. We can say it's a good beginning for her coming backpacker trip.
[→ Linclon]
"Honestly, we didn't save money."
"Considering of time, money and vigour we spent, maybe taking a later train direct to Sheffield plus a cab to School road will be easier."
為 了省錢,P青在台灣時就先訂好了超級便宜的一鎊Megabus長途巴士票,折合台幣約60-65元之間,不知是否一輛車只有一個一鎊票名額,所以第二張票 是五鎊的(一起訂跟分開訂都一樣),加上訂票手續費,兩人加起來不到台幣500元,就可以從倫敦維多利亞車站到雪菲爾的Meadowhall(英國的大型 購物中心之一)。想著省錢美夢,再從Meadowhall買一日卷搭Tram轉公車回到住處,這樣既可省錢,又不用走很多路,沒想到P根還是十分排斥搭乘 公車,而這錯誤的貪小便宜行為,讓這段回280號學校路住處的旅程顯的更加漫長。(第一班八點的車只到Meadowhall,如果要到市中心,要搭九點的 車子)
早上五點多抵達機場、入境後,拖著兩個大卻空空的行李箱,從希斯洛機場搭地鐵到維多利亞車站,也還不到七點,在車站裡經過漫長等 待,終於搭上從未坐過的Megabus,這班到雪菲爾的乘客雖然不多,卻也改變不了巴士位置非常小的事實,沿路搖搖晃晃終於在中午抵達 Meadowhall。
由於是第一次來到Meadowall,也從未搭過雪菲爾的輕軌電車及巴士,到information centre查詢資料後,發現有公車可以直達到住家附近,好不容易說服P根搭公車,卻在上公車時,被公車司機建議改搭輕軌電車,因為總車程會超過兩個小時,下車後,眼睜睜的看著公車司機開著空車離開,但還是納悶他為何寧可開空車而不載人。最後改搭電車到 離家最近的University站,一下車天空就布滿烏雲,P根因為背著電腦及相機等沈重物品感到疲憊時,加上P青也飢腸轆轆,於是在轉角處的愛爾蘭Bar享用午餐再離開,此時屋外開始下著大雨,直到雨轉小後才離開。
dealership proposal letter format
2 years ago
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