Scheduling to Stratford-upon-Avon in 10th of May was cancelled. Pigen and Piching were tired out because they walked uphill and downhill everyday. Also, they decided to visit old friends, Rod and Wendy in Newbury on Sunday. Thus, they took one day break on Saturday to recuperate and build up energy.
5月10日行程預定是要去莎士比亞的故鄉Stratford-upon-Avon(亞溫河畔的史特拉福),但因為兩豬連續五天上山、下山的行走,可說累壞了,又臨時插入5月11日到英格蘭南部Newbury(紐伯瑞)探視老爺爺、老奶奶,所以5月10日公休一天,養精蓄銳。There were not much choices for trians on Sunday. The first train would depart later than weekday. For arriving at Newbury earlier, Piching chose the earest train which would take 3 transfers. One disaster after another, they faced the engineering day from Reading to the south-west. Thus, the final train was replaced by a bus. It totally took them nore than 5 hours to reach Newbury.
Sheffield to London St Pancras 8:00-10:47 (Train)
London St Pancras to London Paddington ?? (Underground)
London Paddington to Reading ??-11:30 (Train)
Reading to Newbury 12:31- 13:15 (Replacement bus)
雪菲爾到倫敦聖潘克洛斯 8:00-10:47 (火車)
倫敦聖潘克洛斯到倫敦帕丁頓 ?? ( 地鐵)
倫敦帕丁頓到瑞丁 ??-11:30 (火車)
瑞丁到紐伯瑞 12:31- 13:15 (替代巴士)
It takes 3 hrs and 20 mins from Sheffield to Newbury in usual and one transfer only. For example,
Sheffield to Reading 06:45-09:39
Reading to Newbury 09:48-10:10
雪菲爾到瑞丁 06:45-09:39 平日六點多就有班次
瑞丁到紐伯瑞 09:48-10:10 直達到瑞丁再轉一次車即可Considering of the next day to depart to Scotland, they had to catch up 17:54 return train to Sheffield, they didn't stay long in Newbury. If they get the train on time, they would reach their house around 11pm.
因為考慮回去時間(隔天一大早要出發去蘇格蘭),待沒幾個小時便要趕17:54的火車回雪菲爾,回到山上的家也晚上十一點多了。Rod and Wendy are very hospitable. Even Wendy didn't feel well, she and Rod did their best to take Piching and Pigen around. Rod brought them up to the roof of St Nicolas Church specially to look down the town and veiw the landscape around Newbury. He also made a detailed introduction for the geography. It's a pty that Piching couldn't absorb all the knowledge right away. Stading on a church's roof was a impressive experience for Pigen and Piching.
How long will they meet each other? Wish Rod and Wendy health, peace and joy forever.
Go to Pigen's Flickr to see more pictures.
[→ Edinburgh]
P.S.Time flies. After the end of the UK trip, Pigen and Piching flew back to Taiwan. In the middle of June, they got a news from Rod. It said that Wendy has been in Canada. A long distance trip means that Wendy is healthy now full of energy!!!
dealership proposal letter format
2 years ago
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