Homing to Sheffield was late than 11pm last night, Pigen and Piching quickly packed and did simple research for Scotland. To avoid get up late, Piching went to bed in a hurry but Pigen didn't. He stayed up all night and woke up Piching at 4am to catch up the train at 5:29am.
前晚回到雪菲爾已經晚上十一點多,趕緊收拾行囊及作點簡單到蘇格蘭行程的功課後,P青便趕緊上床睡覺,避免爬不起來,而P根則整夜沒睡,清晨四點趕緊叫P青起床,出門趕搭五點多的火車。To take such early trian is to earn more time in Edinburgh. They planned to visit Edinburgh first and then go to Glasgow for check-in. They would live in Glasgow for two nights considering of prices and location. Their first two days in Scotland would be a gore(Edinburgh-Glasgow-Stirling-Perth). If they wanted to spend more time in Edinburgh, they could return to Edinburgh in the second day.
搭這樣早的火車,只為了能夠多點時間在愛丁堡逛,逛完這個點後,再到格拉斯哥入宿。頭兩天都住在格拉斯哥的EURO Hostel,因為價錢及地點都比在愛丁堡便宜及方便,兩天行程安排愛丁堡-格拉斯哥-史特林-伯斯,這些點剛好呈現三角環形,如果第一天對於愛丁堡仍意猶未盡,可再安排隔天去逛。
Sheffield to Doncaster 05:29-06:06 By Northern Rail
Doncaster to Edinburgh 06:15-09:19 By NXEC (Free wireless supplied)
雪菲爾到唐卡斯特 05:29-06:06
唐卡斯特到愛丁堡 06:15-09:19 By NXEC (National Express火車上皆有供應免費無線網路)
On the way to Ediburgh, Pigen slept like a log. Finally, the train arrived in Edinburgh. It started raining. The misty Edinburgh brought Piching a dainty and charming feeling. Using those free maps from information centre for reference, once the rains stopped, they hurried to walk around.
Not enough sleep with hunger plus bad weather, they didn't have the mood to walk far. They tried to find a buffet for lunch but it was too early to find one open. Thus, they changed thier mind to go to Glasgow for Check-in and putting down heavy backpackers.
因為睡眠嚴重不足,加上飢腸轆轆,天公不作美,所以也沒有很大的興致逛去很遠的地方,飢餓的兩豬努力找吃到飽餐館,不過卻因午餐時間還太早,而無法享用到便宜又大碗的一餐。乾脆直接先去格拉斯哥Check in,把身上的重行曩放下,再四處去逛。
dealership proposal letter format
2 years ago
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